Friday, September 5, 2008

And Here I Am... (Finally!!!)

Phew!!! Didnt think creating a blog account would take me freaking years to do. Yeah, I've definitely thot about blogging, no doubt - me and my sometimes opinionated mind do have things we'd like to share with others out there at times.. but that said, I seriously thought I could not manage one.
I mean, NO... Not with my daily jam packed schedule from early morning til late nite. No, not with a full-time hectic job and also having to manage two kids and a husband when you're home after a long day at work with no maid on your side. I literally doze off the minute my head touches my pillow each night and pray for a better (and more manageable day) tomorrow.
But in spite of this busy schedule, I am rather pleased that TODAY the 6th Day of Ramadhan (after 'sahur') I have now had that wee bit of time to spare to finally create a blog of my own. I shall therefore from today onwards try (or at least put in a bit, if not a lot, of effort) to blog. So watch this space.
We shall just have to see what quips (or quirks) I have for each day.. and hopefully after this blogging thing has gotten me going - there's gonna be a lot to 'quipsmore' about. I have after all been told by a very good friend and colleague of mine that I should consider starting my own blog and now that I have FINALLY taken that step, I'd personally like to thank a particular Anfield Devotee for his encouragement and support in me starting my own blog.
Thank you Anfield Devotee. Here's to 'Quipsmore..' :)


anfield devotee said...

Hey hey WELCOME Madam O! Will add you to me links on me blog.

Look forward to reading yer many wonderful anecdotes & yer observations of Malaysian life.

ps: Perhaps yer next posting could be "What's cunnilingus PtII" . . . ? Hee hee Just a suggestion.

psychomocha said...

AD: Thank you, Thank you. :) I'm just sooo pleased with my achievement today. Thank you again. Ooh and well done in getting M to finally register to vote!! Should give him a standing ovation when he next comes around.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

hey there Madam O, welcome aboard!

lets not worry too much how often can you keep your blog updated. the main thing is to get it started and going. shifting into 2nd gear should only suit your time and fancy. but of course we'll be looking forward to read what you've got in store for us.

welkam, welkam!

Aileen said...

YUP... KUDOS....
haiyooo started la someone bout the cunni.....;0

psychomocha said...

Kerp (ph.d): Thank you, thank you for visiting my blog. :) Eh btw, I didnt feel disappointed with you emailing AD this morning with your interesting wine pix.. AD was just putting words in my mouth ler. :)But glad to have had him interest you to visit my blog. I shall hope to keep this blog interesting by talking abt stuff that excite you men.. hehe.

Think I have some ideas of what to blog next. Let's wait - perhaps maybe at the end of the day for me to come up with a new entry. AD's already given me some ideas.

aileen: TQ. Shall I continue with Part II of Cunni... ? Hehe.. or maybe I should start an 'Ossal Makkai' - Part I?